Can I place an order? Will deliver my parcel?
Yes, 2Store continues to serve customers. The current delivery times depends from situations in the countries of delivery and transit. When selecting a delivery address, be aware that companies and businesses may be closed and unable to receive parcels.
Are delivery times affected?
As the Coronavirus has spread, we’ve seen an increase of delivery time, but is not insignificant.
Is it possible to return items?
Yes, you can continue to return items. To return your order, contact us.
Is it safe to receive orders?
According to the WHO, “The likelihood of an infected person contaminating commercial goods is low and the risk of catching the virus that causes COVID-19 from a package that has been moved, travelled, and exposed to different conditions and temperature is also low.”
What is 2Store doing to keep customers and employees safe?
We have implemented proactive measures at our facilities to protect employees including increased cleaning at all facilities, maintaining social distance in our buildings, and adding distance between drivers and employee when making deliveries. Every night our warehouse has switched on UV-C Antibacterial lights to ensure cleaner surfaces.
Help and Customer Service
You can get Help with your order, return, your account and more by contacting us or using clients panel.